Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Monorail history.

I have only been a Schuco monorail operator for barely a year. I have been working on a 10'x10' train layout for about 4 years. I had always wanted a monorail but I wanted a real single rail system. One day I found a web site about collecting Schuco Monorails by Doug Burwell and I was hooked. I spent A year looking in E-bay but these monorails were too expensive for me. One day I found out that my son had a friend who's Father had two monorails. After begging for months he finally agreed to sell the entire collection to me. I now have a red one and a blue one. I quickly added the monorail to my already congested layout. I needed a matterhorn so I am building it over what was the train yard. This is the bottom stage. I had to make tunnels for one O gauge and six HO gauge tracks. The two tunnels in the upper front of the Matterhorn are going to be for an operating bobsled ride.

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